About Nader Ashway

Nader Ashway is a managing partner and creative director at moddern marketing in New York City and a graduate professor of integrated marketing at NYU. He’s very interested in this marketing thingy:  how it works, how companies use it, (and sometimes misuse it,) and how we can all do the thingy better.

8 thoughts on “About Nader Ashway

  1. Mark Kolier March 30, 2010 / 12:11 am

    Terrific post Nader. I would also not have been surprised If would-be Sir David embraced mobile marketing. One to one marketing in its most direct and personal form.


  2. derek walker July 28, 2010 / 7:30 pm


    Thanks for your comments to my blog post. I really enjoyed your comments, and if I could, I would’ve voted for it more than once. I’ve read a couple of your posts here and I like what I read. Stay “interested” in this marketing thing!!

    derek walker


  3. AyshaMichelle October 15, 2013 / 5:30 pm

    You did an absolutly AMAZING presentation during my media class today. I look foward to your future posts.

    Aysha Michelle


  4. luming October 4, 2018 / 5:13 pm

    Nader is the professor with best understanding of marketing in the game. Also he’s a guy with good taste in food,sports, and branding stuff. Cream Boston Donut now one of my favorite dessert


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